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"After losing a friend of mine to suicide in January of this year, I struggled to express the feeling and emotion of grief, being trapped in my room up all night thinking of what ifs etc. No one can see grief on a person, they can't touch it, they can't smell it, they can't hear it. I thought it was important as my role as an illustrator to express how people struggling with the loss of someone, feel on a day to day basis. However, my work has grind to halt, following another suicide of my ver close friend in the past three weeks, I feel it's more important now that I put my feelings and emotions into my work, I have been keeping a diary throughout this year, detailing my journey within grief and in hopes that my words and images will resonate with someone also going through similar struggles. Showing that it's okay to feel this way, for however long we need."







"After losing a friend of mine to suicide in January of this year, I struggled to express the feeling and emotion of grief, being trapped in my room up all night thinking of what ifs etc. No one can see grief on a person, they can't touch it, they can't smell it, they can't hear it. I thought it was important as my role as an illustrator to express how people struggling with the loss of someone, feel on a day to day basis. However, my work has grind to halt, following another suicide of my ver close friend in the past three weeks, I feel it's more important now that I put my feelings and emotions into my work, I have been keeping a diary throughout this year, detailing my journey within grief and in hopes that my words and images will resonate with someone also going through similar struggles. Showing that it's okay to feel this way, for however long we need."





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