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"I wanted to explore the idea of presentability and being the image society wants to represent. After looking at fashion photography books from different time periods, I had noticed a common theme of presentable white women being the subject of those images. After research, I realised that art has been used as a way of communicating power. The images represent the perfect woman. I responded to this through giving myself, as a black woman, the same level of power that the presentable white woman is given in the images through styling and posing. I wanted to raise awareness on the impact presentability has on the black community and to question why we have to conform to unrealistic expectations of us. I distorted my face to link to the distorted view of perfection and presentability."







"I wanted to explore the idea of presentability and being the image society wants to represent. After looking at fashion photography books from different time periods, I had noticed a common theme of presentable white women being the subject of those images. After research, I realised that art has been used as a way of communicating power. The images represent the perfect woman. I responded to this through giving myself, as a black woman, the same level of power that the presentable white woman is given in the images through styling and posing. I wanted to raise awareness on the impact presentability has on the black community and to question why we have to conform to unrealistic expectations of us. I distorted my face to link to the distorted view of perfection and presentability."





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